Specs of dust in universe?

2 min readJan 7, 2022

Hello ‘mediums,’ do you believe we are just another species in the universe or are we more?

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I believe there are things that are beyond our comprehension when it comes to the spiritual aspect of our existence, there are phenomenons that happen in and around us that we cannot make sense of, this nature of our lives calls for us to take our place and be a part of a universe bigger than ourselves. The drive to follow our dreams no matter where they take us, is our right to be.

Sometimes we do not pick up these subtle influences but we can feel the changes when they happen in our environment, and within us. Making an impact in our lives by putting us in circumstances that challenge our beliefs and values. The universe responds to our make, what we need to address in order to get where we are going.

There are activities that happen beyond the five senses, they prompt us at the right time, so we do not mistake them as coincidence. They influence us as thoughts, feelings, and getting confirmation through physical sensations or reality. This phenomenon is usually referred to as the 6th sense.

The planet is changing and not just technologically, you must feel we are stepping into a new age, a new consciousness. If you take a close look at the changes we are undergoing it is all there to see. We are becoming individuals, who are breaking from dependence and the illusion of acceptance.

The lockdown has wrecked us, we have attacked ourselves brutally, doubted ourselves, the nagging voice behind your head searching and seeking for answers that either drove us into madness, depression and resentment or finding the answers to our lives that we have been seeking.

It feels like the cosmic shift is driving us into an evolution, the daunting discomfort of confronting our very nature, our fears, strengths, weaknesses, and state of minds. The new age is forcing us to either face ourselves successfully or get crushed by the weight of our burdens and everything that holds us back, to evolve into a higher state of being requires to let go of burdens and traumas by trusting the new that is being born within us.




Writer, Researcher, Avid Reader, I love Learning, I love a Good Movie, I love Great Music, Nature gives Life and So does Self-Love.