A New Found Home.

2 min readJan 14, 2022

To find the place you belong, you must resonate with it from the inside. As we travel through life more and more, our characters are developing. We become comfortable with who we are through making tough decisions to maintain progress and well-being.

Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash

People who desire to be with us will find us because of the will to be with each other. They are tuned and vibrate at the same frequency. We can align our energy, attitude, state of mind, and feelings to what we desire.

When we feel like crap, our surroundings reflect it and deal accordingly, at least in some cases. When we feel great, they want in on it. Kind regards left to right, it’s because we either tuned in to one of those frequencies.

Is the universe a state of mind?

Well, I would argue it is more than that. We have spirit guides who mentor behind the veil that inspire, comfort, and protect us. They get us through hard days, prepare us for challenges, they share their wisdom and enlightenment.

When you get out into the world and forget the things you promised yourself, they remind you time and time again of your aspirations and hold you to it.

They are friends who give you the truth even when it is difficult to hear. They cheer you on when you do not want to leave home and stay in all day. They keep us together amid all the madness.

We are here to experience life, love, and joy. Our lives take form when we align ourselves to our truths. Being in an environment you can be yourself, your attitude and outlook on life changes, the coming to life.

Your feelings, thoughts, mental health, and spirit must be cared for if you consider a place your home. If a home can provide growth, individuality, acceptance, and love, you have all the tools you will ever need to flourish.




Writer, Researcher, Avid Reader, I love Learning, I love a Good Movie, I love Great Music, Nature gives Life and So does Self-Love.